Beneath the moon's pale glow, a pesticide-soaked carrot creeps through the fields, its warped shape a sinister warning. With an insatiable appetite, it consumes all in its wake, a chilling testament to nature's fury.


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Nicely done Lara!

Feedback on buttons within both of the scenes when you hover and click were effective in showing that the buttons were functional. Button/UI layout was easy to navigate creating a simple experience to use.

Unfortunately some of the button functionality hasnt worked in your final product I think stemming from the rotate transform cutting in behind a panel or canvas halfway through rotation. however the reset function works well in bringing everything back to correct size and shape

I like the brick texture on the house and the fact that you used your the image on its wall of the carrot, the carrot itself is cool and I like the lightning in the background. 

The rotate doesn't work properly as it makes the carrot disappear. behind the background that would be something to work on. 

Otherwise looks great.  

I love where you put the sun in the game to create a scary shadow on the character's face!haha

 On the Info/help page, the "Go to the scene" link is a bit off the centre, and it may look good to have it under the carrot image or underneath the words.